Tutored Internships

Within the syllabus of the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy, in the second semester of the fifth year, there is the subject "Tutored Practical Work Placement" (PT), which is fundamentally practical, compulsory and with a course load of 24 ECTS.

The PT allows students to apply and complement the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in their academic training, favouring the acquisition of technical, methodological, attitudinal and participatory skills that prepare them for the exercise of professional activities in Hospital Pharmacy Services (SFH) and in Offices of Pharmacy (OF).

The development of this subject is a key part of their training, which will help them to choose the professional orientation that best suits their abilities and preferences.

The ultimate aim of the subject is to prepare future pharmacists to carry out specific activities in their profession. The UCLM PT subject follows the fundamental guidelines proposed in the White Paper on Tutored Practice in the Degree in Pharmacy, which aims to achieve homogeneity in the teaching and development of this subject in all universities in Spain.


Part of the Tutored Internships are carried out at the Hospital Pharmacy Service (SFH) of the Albacete University Hospital Complex and another part at the Pharmacy Offices (OF).
All centres participating in the Tutored Practice Programme must achieve accreditation according to the criteria established and approved in the Collaboration Agreement between the UCLM, the Council of Official Associations of Pharmacists of Castilla La Mancha and the Health Service of Castilla La Mancha.
The development and monitoring of the Tutored Internship Agreement between the UCLM and COFCAM is organised by means of a Monitoring Committee and several Technical Committees.

Supervised Practical Training Commissions

The development and monitoring of the Tutored Internships at the Faculty of Pharmacy is organised by a Joint Committee, appointed by the Dean of the Faculty with the approval of the Faculty Board.


- Dean (President)

- Coordinator of Supervised Internships (Secretary)


    - Associate lecturer at the Pharmacy Office

    - Associate Professor of the Hospital Pharmacy Service

- PAS REPRESENTATIVE: Teaching support manager.

To formulate the corresponding calls for each academic year to carry out the training placements. 
To select the requests made by students according to their merits and ability, establishing the assessment criteria in the corresponding scales.
To establish the criteria for the distribution of students, taking into account the possibilities of reception, the situation and the characteristics of each student.
Determine the timetable for the work placement to be carried out by the students and set the number of students who must do it per call in accordance with the needs required by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Castilla-La Mancha and the availability of the receiving centres.
To establish the assessment and control criteria for the Tutored Internships.
To review the programme of work placements to be received by the student and to evaluate their performance, following a report from the Tutor Pharmacist.
To report to the Technical Committees and/or the Monitoring Committee any incidents that may require it.

The Academic Coordinator is a tenured lecturer delegated by the Dean who teaches at the Faculty of Pharmacy. His/her functions include the following: 
- To record all the incidents that occur and to transmit them, if appropriate, to the Monitoring Committee and/or Joint Committee for their resolution.
- Collaborate in all activities that may lead to an increase in the quality of the Supervised Practice.
- To draw up, review and update the teaching guide and internal regulations.
On behalf of the UCLM, the Monitoring Committee will be made up of the Rector of the University of Castilla La Mancha (or person delegated by him/her) and the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy (or person delegated by him/her). On the part of the collegiate organisation, it will be made up of the President of the Council of Official Associations of Pharmacists of Castilla La Mancha (or person delegated by him/her) and a representative of the plenary session of the Council of Associations of Pharmacists of Castilla La Mancha.

The functions of the Monitoring Committee shall be as indicated below:
- To ensure compliance with the Agreement.
- To meet at least once a year.
- To accredit the recognition of the professional tutors.
TECHNICAL COMMITTEES will be set up and will be made up of the Academic Coordinator, a lecturer who teaches on the Degree in Pharmacy and two representatives of the Official College of Pharmacists of the province where the Tutored Internships are to be carried out.

The Technical Committees assume the commitment to achieve the objectives that justify the signing of the agreement and, specifically, the functions set out below:
- To formulate the corresponding calls for participation by pharmacies each academic year in order to specify the offer of training placements in pharmacies.
- To select the requests made by pharmacists from the pharmacies in accordance with their merits and capacity, establishing the assessment criteria to be applied in the corresponding scales.
- Establish the timetable for the internships to be carried out by the students and set the number of students who must do so per call in accordance with the needs required by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Castilla-La Mancha and the availability of the Official College of Pharmacists in each province.
- To assign a Tutor Pharmacist for each of the proposed pharmacies.


In order for students to acquire the knowledge and attitudes necessary for their professional development in both community pharmacy and hospital pharmacy, it has been necessary to sign collaboration agreements between the UCLM, the Council of Official Associations of Pharmacists of Castilla La Mancha (UCLM-COFCAM Agreement) and the Health Service of Castilla La Mancha (UCLM-SESCAM Agreement).

All centres participating in the Tutored Practice Programme must achieve accreditation according to the criteria established and approved in the Collaboration Agreements between the UCLM, the Council of Official Associations of Pharmacists of Castilla La Mancha and the Castilla La Mancha Health Service.

  • Accredited Hospital Pharmacy Services (academic year 2021-2022)
  • Accredited Pharmacy Offices (academic year 2021-2022): this list only shows those pharmacies that have given permission to publish their details on the website. The complete list is available for students enrolled in the course through the virtual campus.

Pharmaceutical Tutors

Tutores académicos

This subject has Pharmacist Tutors who are responsible for the student's training during the PT period. Among them we can differentiate between academic tutors and professional tutors. Academic tutors are professionals linked to the university as associate lecturers of the degree.

Hospital Pharmacy Service:
Cristina García Gómez
Manuel Clemente Andújar
Sergio Plata Paniagua
José Luis Sánchez Serrano
Ana Valladolid Walsh
Esther Domingo Chiva

Pharmacy Office:
María Rosa López-Torres Hidalgo
José Antonio Carbajal de Lara

Professional tutors are professionals attached to an accredited receiving centre with no link to the university and whose main professional activity is carried out in the OF or in the SFH and for whom a previous application as Tutor Pharmacist is required ("Application for participation as Tutor Pharmacist" available in the Annexes of the Internal Regulations).

Frequently Asked Questions

In the Degree in Pharmacy at the UCLM, the only external curricular internships dependent on the Faculty, and compulsory for all the Degrees in Pharmacy, are carried out during the fifth academic year. They are supervised internships, and consist of six months of work experience, which are distributed in two different areas: Hospital Pharmacy and Community Pharmacy. The students are divided into groups that rotate between the two activities, so that at the end they have all spent the same number of hours in both areas (8 weeks in hospital and 16 weeks in community pharmacy).
In addition, these practical activities are complemented by theory classes and seminars on them, which are compulsory, and which will take place at the Faculty of Pharmacy.

In order to choose the Pharmacy Office and the Hospital Pharmacy Service where the internship will be carried out, these must be accredited according to the criteria established in the Cooperation Agreements with the UCLM. It does not necessarily have to be a Pharmacy Office or Hospital in the city of Albacete; it can be anywhere in Castilla-La Mancha.
As for the choice of the Pharmacy Office and Hospital, several factors are taken into account. These can be used to establish an order of choice that will be published in the Internal Regulations of the Tutored Internships sufficiently in advance of the day on which the award is to take place. The factors taken into account are:

  • Average mark on the academic transcript.
  • Fewest number of ECTS credits pending to complete the degree. As the election takes place during the first four-month period of the fifth year, the maximum number of credits that can be earned, if you have gone to year by year, is 246 ECTS (240 corresponding to subjects from the first to the fourth year, and 6 more for recognition of university activities).
  • Minimum number of years spent in order to pass the credits.
    It is essential, in any case, to consult the Internal Regulations for supervised placements approved for the year in which they are to be taken.
    It is also necessary to remember that the choice of pharmacy and hospital cannot be made with just any centre, as there are certain requirements that must be met in order to do so. For example, you must not have a degree of consanguinity equal to or less than third degree with the owner of the pharmacy, Head of the Hospital Pharmacy Service and Tutor Pharmacists. Likewise, supervised internships cannot be carried out in a pharmacy or hospital in which extracurricular internships have previously been carried out.
that the supervised internships are 24 credits; therefore, they can clearly condition the rest of the enrolment. This must be taken into account when formalising your registration.
Due to the long duration of the supervised internships (6 months), it is logical to think that they should not be combined with other teaching activities, especially if they are compulsory practical classes that cannot be made up. Despite this, it is possible to take the supervised internship with up to three subjects (of a basic or compulsory nature) pending in order to complete the degree. With regard to pending practicals, students may only have to complete the laboratory practicals of a maximum of one subject. In this respect, it is also essential to consult the Internal Regulations for supervised internships approved for the year in which they are to be taken beforehand, and to think carefully about when they will be taken (September or January rotation).

The assessment of the tutored internship, which is set out in detail in the teaching guide for this subject, is based on four blocks:

  • A report of the practical cases prepared by the student.
  • The assessment of the student by competencies carried out by the professional tutor of the internship.
  • The presentation and resolution of topics or cases in theory classes and seminars.
  • A final written examination on the internship, to be held once the internship has been completed in the assessment period corresponding to the ordinary or extraordinary call, as appropriate. This will constitute the major part of the grade.