Raúl Martín Martín
Vice-Rectorate for International Policy and Global Alliances

Born in Salamanca, Raúl Martín Martín holds a degree in Mathematics from the Complutense University of Madrid (2002) and a PhD in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (2006).
Since 2017, he is full professor of the Statistics and Operations Research Area at the School of Architecture of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), where he currently leads the Optimal Design of Experiments research group. As a researcher, he has participated in 17 European, national and regional projects and has been responsible for a dozen transfer contracts.
He has had international stays at the Department of Statistics of the University of Glasgow (2004, 2008), at the Institute of Statistics and Mathematics of the University of Vienna (2005) and at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Alberta (2014).
In management, he has experience as center secretary and academic director of Internationalization. He has been a member of the Regional Council of Statistics of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (2013-2015 and 2018-2019) and is currently a member of the Executive Council of the Society for Statistics and Operations Research, of the Mathematical Reviews Committee of the American Mathematical Society and a member of the bank of evaluators of the State Research Agency.
Since 2016 he is a trustee of the Tutelary Foundation of Castilla-La Mancha for people with intellectual disabilities and a volunteer in the therapeutic community of Toledo "Hogar Zoe".