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Recruitment and employment


TM - R is one of the pillars of the European Charter for Researchers and, in particular, of the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, launched in 2005. It aims to ensure that the best person is recruited for the job, bringing benefits to researchers, institutions and the research system as a whole. More specifically, the OTM-R strategy contributes to making research careers more attractive, to ensure equal opportunities for all candidates and thus facilitate mobility.

The OTM-R Working Group developed a comprehensive package to help Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) implement OTM-R practices, enabling RPOs to review their current recruitment policy and improve it, if necessary. The package includes principles and guidelines on what an OTM-R system should look like, a checklist for institutions as a self-assessment tool to compare their current practices against the principles, and the toolkit: a step-by-step guide.