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Language day

Dia Europeo de las Lenguas

26 de septiembre de 2024

On 26 September, the European Day of Languages is commemorated with the aim of promoting language learning among the citizens of Europe.

Following this path, once again this year the University of Castilla-La Mancha joins the celebration with this website that the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation, in collaboration with the Language Centre and the Confucius Institute, makes available to the entire university community.

Below you will find the link to a new collaborative platform where the language centres of the partner universities of the European University Alliance COLOURS, of which the academic institution is part, have prepared several activities and resources related to the nine languages that make up this international consortium (German, Croatian, Spanish, French, Italian, Latvian, Macedonian, Polish and Swedish). Immerse yourself in other cultures by participating in language cafés, quizzes, videos, presentations and much more.

All the information: Join us and discover the various European languages of the COLOURS University Alliance.


The UCLM also encourages you to celebrate the European Day of Languages by participating in the various language workshops at the Language Tables that will be set up on each campus and in Talavera de la Reina on 26 September, from 10am to 2pm.

Albacete: Plaza de la Universidad (next to the letters of the UCLM).

Ciudad Real: entrance of the Faculty of Arts (under the staircase)

Cuenca: hall of the Gil de Albornoz building (Faculty of Social Sciences)

Toledo: central promenade at the entrance to the library on the Fábrica de Armas campus.

Talavera de la Reina: main hall of the Gerardo Amor Building

On the other hand, we have taken the opportunity to present the official UCLM video in Chinese, which joins the one in English and French.

 Come to the university of your life: the University of Castilla-La Mancha


 Viens, rejoins l'université de ta vie: l'Université de Castilla-La Mancha

