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Semana movilidad

Sustainable, healthy and safe mobility

The University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) joins the European Mobility Week that is held from the 16 to the 22 of September under the slogan 'For your health, move sustainably', with the launch of a mobility strategy to promote active transport -on foot or by bike- among the university community on the Albacete,  Ciudad Real, Cuenca and Toledo campuses, and in the headquarters of Almadén and Talavera de la Reina.

The strategy, aligned with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, is led by the UCLM's Physical Activity for Health Promotion research group in coordination with the Health Promotion Commission, the Vice-Rectorate for Health Sciences and the Campus Vice-Rectorates. It includes the "pioneer at the national level" launch of the 'Metrominuto-Educa', a map of the city in poster and pocket format where the times and routes on foot and by bicycle from the different points of the campuses and university headquarters and the cities in which they settle are indicated. In collaboration with the municipalities, the 'Metrominutos-Educa' will be installed in the bus shelters and in other visible places in the city.

In addition, in each of the campuses and university headquarters a totem is installed in which, likewise, the distance and travel times on foot or by bicycle to different parts of the city are reflected.

The UCLM's active displacement strategy, 'For your health, move sustainably to your campus', seeks to raise awareness and move towards new paradigms of more sustainable and efficient mobility, and promote healthier lifestyle habits. In addition, "it wants to be the seed to promote greater physical activity on campuses."

For your health, move sustainably to your campus