MicroMundo@UCLM: en busca de nuevos antibióticos con el suelo como aliado. Proyecto con referencia FCT-23-19164 financiado por la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y Tecnología, (FECYT) del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
Vuela tu vencejo. Proyecto referencia FCT-22-18290 Financiado por la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y Tecnología, (FECYT) del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
MicroMundo@UCLM: en busca de nuevos antibióticos con el suelo como aliado. Proyecto de referencia FCT-22-17907 financiado por la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y Tecnología, (FECYT) del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Autores: Doctorando.- Enrique Albert Belda; - Director/es.- María Belén Hinojosa Centeno, José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
12 de Junio de 2023
Soil biogeochemistry and microbial community dynamics in Pinus pinaster Ait. forests subjected to increased fire frequency
Enrique Albert Belda; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno; Laudicina , V. Armando; José Manuel Moreno Maroto;
The challenge of managing threatened invasive species at a continental scale
Rocío Aranzazu Baquero Noriega
Predicting Spatially Explicit Composite Burn Index (CBI) from Different Spectral Indices Derived from Sentinel 2A: A Case of Study in Tunisia
Amroussia , Mouna; María Olga Viedma Sillero; Achour , Hammadi; Abbes , Chaabane;
Temporal and spatial patterns of seed dispersal of four shrubs in a Cistus-Erica shrubland from Central Spain.
José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; Zuazua , Eva; Iván Torres Galán; Antonio Parra de la Torre; Clara Beatriz Moreno Fenoll;
Functional response and resistance to drought in seedlings of six shrub species with contrasting leaf traits from the Mediterranean Basin and California
Antonio Parra de la Torre; Pratt , Brandon; Jacobsen , A.; Chamorro , Daniel; Iván Torres Galán; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez;
Large-Fire Ignitions Are Higher in Protected Areas than Outside Them in West-Central Spain
Gonzalo Arellano del Verbo; Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez;
Burn Severity Effect on the Short-Term Functional Response of Quercus ilex after Fire
Antonio Parra de la Torre; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno;
AP Monteiro, B Xavier, MI Ugarte-Gurrutxaga, RA Baquero, B Molina-Gallego & G Melgar de Corral. 2023. Introducción. En: Monteiro et al. (coord) 2023.
MI Ugarte-Gurrutxaga, B Molina-Gallego, RA Baquero, F Geukens, AP Camarneiro & AP Monteiro. 2023. MODELO MULTICULTURALCARE PARA LA FORMACIÓN EN ENFERMERÍA - MULTICULTURALCARE NURSING EDUCATION MODEL. En: Monteiro AP et al. 2023
RA Baquero, AP Monteiro, K Liesenborghs, S Vroonen, MI Ugarte-Gurrutxaga & B Molina-Gallego. 2023. PROPUESTA PEDAGÓGICA PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DEL MODELO MULTICULTURALCARE PARA LA FORMACIÓN EN ENFERMERÍA. En: Monteiro AP et al (Coords) 2023
Monteiro AP, Xavier B, Ugarte Gurrutxaga MI, Baquero RA, Molina-Gallego B & G Melgar de Corral. 2023. INTRODUCTION
Ugarte-Gurrutxaga MI, Molina-Gallego B, Baquero RA, Geukens F, Camarneiro AP & AP Monteiro. 2023. MULTICULTURALCARE MODEL
Baquero RA, Monteiro AP, Liesenborghs K, Vroonen S, Ugarte-Gurrutxaga MI & B Molina-Gallego. 2023. PEDAGOGICAL PROPOSAL FOR IMPLEMENTING THE MULTICULTURALCARE EDUCATION MODEL
Monteiro AP, Xavier B, Ugarte-Gurrutxaga MI, Baquero RA, Molina-Gallego B & G Melgar de Corral. INTRODUÇÃO
Baquero RA, Monteiro AP, Liesenborghs K, Vroonen S, Ugarte-Gurrutxaga MI & B Molina-Gallego. 2023. PROPOSTA PEDAGÓGICA DE IMPLEMENTAÇÃO – MODELO PARA A FORMAÇÃO MULTICULTURAL DE ENFERMEIROS - MulticulturalCare Nursing Education Model
Assessment of indoor air quality and risk of COVID-19 infection in Spanish secondary school and university classrooms
Diana Rodríguez Rodríguez; Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; Ángel Velasco García; Campano Laborda, Miguel Ángel; Elena Jiménez Martínez;
Differential vulnerability to biological invasions: not all protected areas (and not all invaders) are the same
Shedding light on the decline of Iberian freshwater fish species over the period 1980–2020
Applying a Robust Empirical Method for Comparing Repeated LiDAR Data with Different Point Density
María Olga Viedma Sillero; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez;
Effects of spatial distance and woody plant cover on beta diversity point to dispersal limitation as a driver of community assembly during postfire succession in a Mediterranean shrubland
Iván Torres Galán; Antonio Parra de la Torre; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez;
Is hydrogen peroxide an effective mouthwash for reducing the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in dental clinics?
Emma Burgos Ramos; Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; Diana Rodríguez Rodríguez;
La pagaza piconegra: una especie reproductora que nos abandona en invierno
Britto , Vanessa O.; Gil-Delgado Alberti, José Antonio; Rafael Ubaldo Gosálvez Rey; Ángel Velasco García;
Nuevo colonizadores
Gil-Delgado Alberti, José Antonio; Rafael Ubaldo Gosálvez Rey; Ángel Velasco García;
Effects of the Severity of Wildfires on Some Physical-Chemical Soil Properties in a Humid Montane Scrublands Ecosystem in Southern Ecuador
Carrión Paladines, Vinicio; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno; Jiménez Álvarez, Leticia; Reyes Bueno, Fabián; Correa Quezada, Liliana; García Ruiz, Roberto;
El flamenco común en La Mancha Húmeda: especie deseada, especie problemática
Rafael Ubaldo Gosálvez Rey; Ángel Velasco García; López De La Nieta González De La Aleja, Diego; Máximo Florin Beltrán; Gil-Delgado , José Antonio;
Enseñanza a tiempo: estrategia para mejorar la participación de los alumnos en asignaturas de distintos Grados de ciencias
Óscar Gómez Torres; María Rodríguez Pérez; María José Ruiz García; María Jiménez Moreno; Cristina Pintado Losa; Fabiola Martínez Navarro; Rafael Camarillo Blas; Raúl Calero Oliver; Emma Burgos Ramos; Ana María Rodríguez Cervantes; Diana Rodríguez Rodríguez; Isaac Asencio Cegarra; Eva María Espíldora García; Nuria Rodríguez Fariñas; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno;
Previous fire occurrence, but not fire recurrence, modulates the effect of charcoal and ash on soil C and N dynamics in Pinus pinaster Aiton forests
Albert-Belda , Enrique; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno; Laudicina , Vito Armando; García-Ruiz , Roberto; Pérez , Beatriz; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez;
High fire frequency reduces soil fertility underneath woody plant canopies of Mediterranean ecosystems
María Belén Hinojosa Centeno; Enrique Albert Belda; Gómez Muñoz, Beatriz; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez;
Potential distributions of invasive vertebrates in the Iberian Peninsula under projected changes in climate extreme events
Rocío Aranzazu Baquero Noriega; Enrique Sánchez Sánchez;
Are the EU biosecurity legislative frameworks sufficiently effective to prevent biological invasions in the Natura 2000 network? – A case study in Mediterranean Europe
Assessing the role of the aquatic Natura 2000 network to protect both freshwater European species of community interest and threatened species in a Mediterranean region
Ecological drivers of the high predation of sea turtle hatchlings during emergence
Martins , Samir; Sierra , Luis; Rodrigues , Edson; Oñate-Casado , Javier; Iván Torres Galán; Clarke , Leo J.; Marco , Adolfo;
Tackling biological invasions in Natura 2000 network in the light of the new EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030
Current Wildland Fire Patterns and Challenges in Europe: A Synthesis of National Perspectives
Fernandez-Anez , Nieves; Krasovskiy , Andrey; Müller , Mortimer; Baetens , Jan; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno;
Covid 19: Eating behavior changes related to individual and household factors during the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain
Villena Esponera, Maria Pilar; Moreno Ortega, Antonio; Rocío Aranzazu Baquero Noriega; María Idoia Ugarte Gurrutxaga; Moreno Rojas, Rosa; De Los Rios Carmenado, Dolores;
Puesta en marcha de actividades en asignaturas del Grado en Ciencias Ambientales para mejorar las competencias de los estudiantes en la elaboración de informes técnicos ambientales
Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; Beatriz Pérez Ramos; Gonzalo Zavala Espiñeira; Iván Torres Galán; María Olga Viedma Sillero; Enrique Sánchez Sánchez; María Pilar Rodríguez Rojo; Diana Rodríguez Rodríguez; Ana María Rodríguez Cervantes; Jesusa Rincón Zamorano; Antonio Parra de la Torre; Carlos Jiménez Izquierdo; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno; María Gracia Gómez Nicola; Carolina Escobar Lucas; Rosa María Carrasco González; Rafael Camarillo Blas; Rocío Aranzazu Baquero Noriega; Isaac Asencio Cegarra; Bouchra Haddad Akni; María Jiménez Moreno; Rubén Serrano Lozano; María del Mar Martín Trillo; Julio Muñoz Martín;
Fernández , Paloma; Cloux , Ignacio; Rabadán , Julio; Gandía , Cristina; Nuero , Marta; Bastardas , Joana; Belmonte , Jordina; José Antonio Blanco Aguiar; Canepa , Antonio; Carracedo , Virginia; De La Fuente , Patricia; Sarai Díaz García; Fernández-Arroyabe , Pablo; Gago , Jesús; García , María Del Carmen; García , Nagore; García , Andrea; García , David Ángel; González , Jose María; González-Fernández , Natalia; Gracia , Ana; Hidalgo , Manuel; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno; Ibarra , Ignacio; López-López , Lucía; Manzanas , Rodrigo; Mazarrasa , Inés; Meira , Pablo; Mercado , Jesús M.; Padrosa , Tomás; Antonio Parra de la Torre; Polo , Julia; Prat , Ester; Salazar , María; Santurtún , Ana; Torres , María Ángeles; Valeiras , Julio; Vega , Rafael Fernando; Velasco , Eva; Velázquez , Javier; Vilella , Marc; Heras , Francisco; Pelacho , Maite;
Fire in Mediterranean Pine Forests, Past, Present and Future
José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; Morales-Molino , César; Iván Torres Galán; Arianoutsou , Margarita;
Ecosystem Services Provided by Pine Forests
Iván Torres Galán; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; Morales-Molino , César; Arianoutsou , Margarita;
Disentangling the role of prefire vegetation vs. burning conditions on fire severity in a large forest fire in SE Spain
María Olga Viedma Sillero; F Chico; Jj Fernández; C Madrigal; Hd Safford; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Public attitudes toward biodiversity-friendly greenspace management in Europe
Fischer , Leonie K.; Neuenkamp , Lena; Lampinen , Jussi; Tuomi , Maria; Alday , Josu G.; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno;
María Belén Hinojosa Centeno; Albert-Belda , Enrique; Gómez Muñoz, Beatriz; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez;
Postfire Tree Structure from High-Resolution LiDAR and RBR Sentinel 2A Fire Severity Metrics in a Pinus halepensis-Dominated Burned Stand
María Olga Viedma Sillero
Acceptance of near-natural greenspace management relates to ecological and socio-cultural assigned values among European urbanites
María Belén Hinojosa Centeno
Ecosistemas terrestres y acuáticos continentales
Bustamante , Mercedes; Gavito , M. E.; Jiménez , A.; Loboguerrero , A. M.; Pérez , C.; Iván Torres Galán; Suárez , M. L.; Vidal-Abarca , M. R.;
Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta
Lampinen , Jussi; Tuomi , Maria; Fischer , Leonie K.; Neuenkamp , Lena; Alday , Josu G.; Bucharova , Anna; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno;
Drought and its legacy modulate the post-fire recovery of soil functionality and microbial community structure in a Mediterranean shrubland
María Belén Hinojosa Centeno; V Armando Laudicina; Antonio Parra de la Torre; Enrique Albert Belda; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Fire activity and burned forest lands decreased during the last three decades in Spain
Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; Magi Franquesa; María Olga Viedma Sillero; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Assessing landscape fire hazard by multitemporal automatic classification of Landsat time series using Google Earth Engine
Natalia Quintero Ñustez; María Olga Viedma Sillero; Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Cómo mejorar las competencias de los Estudiantes en la elaboración de informes técnicos ambientales. Una propuesta para Ciencias Ambientales
Beatriz Pérez Ramos; Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; Isaac Asencio Cegarra; Rocío Aranzazu Baquero Noriega; Rafael Camarillo Blas; Rosa María Carrasco González; Carolina Escobar Lucas; María Carmen Fenoll Comes; María Gracia Gómez Nicola; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno; Carlos Jiménez Izquierdo; María Belén Luna Trenado; María del Mar Martín Trillo; María de la Montaña Mena Marugan; Antonio Parra de la Torre; Jesusa Rincón Zamorano; Ana María Rodríguez Cervantes; Diana Rodríguez Rodríguez; María Pilar Rodríguez Rojo; Enrique Sánchez Sánchez; Iván Torres Galán; María Olga Viedma Sillero; Gonzalo Zavala Espiñeira
Postfire nitrogen balance of Mediterranean shrublands: Direct combustion losses versus gaseous and leaching losses from the postfire soil mineral nitrogen flush
M Dannenmann; E Diaz-Pines; B Kitzler; K Karhu; J Tejedor; P Ambus; Antonio Parra de la Torre; L Sánchez; Victor Resco de Dios; David A Ramírez Collantes; L Guimaraes-Povoas; G Willibald; R Gasche; S Zechmeister-Boltenstern; D Kraus; S Castaldi; A Vallejo; A Rubio; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; K Butterbach-Bahl
Drought differentially affects the post-fire dynamics of seeders and resprouters in a Mediterranean shrubland
Antonio Parra de la Torre; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Wildfires and the role of their drivers are changing over time in a large rural area of west-central Spain
María Olga Viedma Sillero; Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
No genetic adaptation of the Mediterranean keystone shrub Cistus ladanifer in response to experimental fire and extreme drought
Iván Torres Galán; Antonio Parra de la Torre; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; Walter Durka
Is the Natura 2000 network effective to prevent the biological invasions?
Foraging habitat selection by gull–billed tern (Gelochelidon nilotica) in Central Spain (Castilla–La Mancha)
Vanessa O Britto; J A Gil-Delgado; Rafael Ubaldo Gosálvez Rey; German Lopez-Iborra; Ángel Velasco García
Vanessa O Britto; Ja Gil-Delgado; Rafael Ubaldo Gosálvez Rey; German Lopez-Iborra; Ángel Velasco García
Seasonal differences in drivers of species richness of waders in inland wetlands of La Mancha Húmeda Biosphere Reserve
Maycon Sanyvan Sigales Gonçalves; José Antonio Gil-Delgado; Rafael Ubaldo Gosálvez Rey; German Lopez-Iborra; A Ponz; Ángel Velasco García
Maycon Sanyvan Sigales Gonçalves; Ja Gil-Delgado; Rafael Ubaldo Gosálvez Rey; German Lopez-Iborra; Adrián Ponz; Ángel Velasco García
Ángel Velasco García
Capítulo 3.7. En el medio natural. Los humedales y el cambio climático en Castilla-La Mancha
Máximo Florin Beltrán; Rafael Ubaldo Gosálvez Rey; Ángel Velasco García; Celia Laguna Mora; Josefina Penélope Falomir Esteve; Álvaro Chicote Díaz; Elena María Muñoz Espinosa
Influencia del cambio climático en el marco de la gestión de incendios forestales: clima, riesgo de incendios, peligro futuro y respuestas de la vegetación a la sequía
José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; Antonio Parra de la Torre
Post-fire environments are favourable for plant functioning of seeder and resprouter Mediterranean shrubs, even under drought
Carbon saturation and assessment of soil organic carbon fractions in Mediterranean rainfed olive orchards under plant cover management
Roberto García-Ruiz; José Luis Vicente-Vicente; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno; Beatriz Gómez-Muñoz; P Smith
Recent land-use and land-cover changes and its driving factors in a fire-prone area of southwestern Turkey
María Olga Viedma Sillero; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; Güngöroglu , C; Cosgun , U; Kavgaci , A;
¿Hay un incremento de porrón pardo Aythya nyroca en el quinquenio 2012-2017 en Castilla-La Mancha?
Vanesa García; José Antonio Gil-Delgado; Rafael Ubaldo Gosálvez Rey; Ángel Velasco García
Post-fire soil functionality and microbial community structure in a Mediterranean shrubland subjected to experimental drought
María Belén Hinojosa Centeno; Antonio Parra de la Torre; V Armando Laudicina; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Reproductive output, seed anatomy and germination under water stress in the seeder Cistus ladanifer subjected to experimental drought.
Daniel Chamorro Cobo; Antonio Parra de la Torre; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Spatial synchrony of wader populations in inland lakes of the Iberian Peninsula
M Gonsalves; Ja Gil-Delgado; Rafael Ubaldo Gosálvez Rey; German Lopez-Iborra; A Ponz; Ángel Velasco García
Presence of plastic particles in faeces of some waterbird species: first evidence of plastic pollution affecting birds in continental lakes
J A Gil-Delgado; Daniel Guijarro; Rafael Ubaldo Gosálvez Rey; German Lopez-Iborra; A Ponz; Ángel Velasco García
Presence of plastic particles in waterbirds faeces collected in Spanish lakes
Ja Gil-Delgado; Daniel Guijarro; Rafael Ubaldo Gosálvez Rey; German Lopez-Iborra; A Ponz; Ángel Velasco García
Management of tree pruning residues to improve soil organic carbon in olive groves
Beatriz Gómez Muñoz; Juan de Dios Valero Valenzuela; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno; Roberto García Ruiz
Forest shifts induced by fire and management legacies in a Pinus pinaster woodland
Iván Torres Galán; Beatriz Pérez Ramos; Juan Quesada Rincon; María Olga Viedma Sillero; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Predicting wildfire spread and behaviour in Mediterranean landscapes
Michele Salis; Bachisio Arca; Fermin Alcasena; Margarita Arianoutsou; Valentina Bacciu; Pierpaolo Duce; Beatriz Duguy; N Koutsias; Giorgos Mallinis; Ioannis Mitsopoulos; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; José Ramón Pérez; Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; Fotios Xystrakis; Gonzalo Zavala Espiñeira; Donatella Spano
Cartografía y validación de la superficie quemada de incendios mediante imágenes Landsat TM y ETM+ en el centro-oeste de España durante el período 1985-2009
María Olga Viedma Sillero; del Campo Pablo
Early post-fire vegetation recovery of Pinus brutia forests: Effects of fire severity pre-fire stand age and aspect.
A Kavgaci; E Ortel; Iván Torres Galán; H Safford
Fire increases the risk of higher soil N2O emissions from Mediterranean Macchia ecosystems
K Karhu; M Dannenmann; B Kitzler; E Diaz-Pines; J Tejedor; David A Ramírez Collantes; Antonio Parra de la Torre; Víctor Resco de Dios; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; A Rubio; L Guimaraes-Povoas; S Zechmeister-Boltenstern; K Butterbach-Bahl; P Ambus
Fire activity as a function of fire-weather seasonal severity and antecedent climate across spatial scales in southern Europe and Pacific western USA
Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; Gonzalo Zavala Espiñeira; J Bedia; José Manuel Gutiérrez; Jesús San Miguel- Ayanz; A Camia; Je Keeley; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Fire severity in a large fire in a Pinus pinaster forest is highly predictable from burning conditions, stand structure and topography
María Olga Viedma Sillero; Juan Quesada Rincon; Iván Torres Galán; de Santis, A; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Changes in landscape fire-hazard during the second half of the 20th century: Agriculture abandonment and the changing role of driving factor
María Olga Viedma Sillero; N Moity; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
In situ net N mineralisation and nitrification under organic and conventionally managed olive oil orchards
Beatriz Gómez Muñoz; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno; Roberto García Ruiz
Efecto de las quemas prescritas sobre el suelo de formaciones de Pinus pinaster Ait. (Ciudad Real) / Effect of precribed fires on soil of Pinus pinaster Ait. forests (Ciudad Real).
Los incendios forestales en España ante al cambio climático
José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; J Bedia; José Manuel Gutiérrez; Vr Vallejo
Experimental drought induces short-term changes in soil functionality and microbial community structure after fire in a Mediterranean shrubland
Burning season effects on the short-term post-fire vegetation dynamics of a Mediterranean heathland
Blanca Cespedes Gonzalez; María Belén Luna Trenado; Beatriz Pérez Ramos; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta
Burning season does not affect post-fire regeneration but fire alters the balance of the dominant species in a seeder-dominated Mediterranean shrubland
Blanca Cespedes Gonzalez; Iván Torres Galán; Beatriz Pérez Ramos; María Belén Luna Trenado; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Presence of Potentially Pathogenic Free Living Amoebae strains from Well Water Samples in Guinea Bissau Pathogens and Global Health
Rocío Aranzazu Baquero Noriega; María Gracia Gómez Nicola; María Reyes Batlle; Carmen M Martín Navarro; Atteneri López Arencibia; Basilio Valladares; J Guillermo Esteban; Enrique Martínez Carretero; José E Piñero; Jacob Lorenzo Morales
Land use and land cover change modeling
M Santini; E Maillé; S Noce; M Michetti; F Bosello; María Olga Viedma Sillero; N Koutsias; V Bacciu; B Duguy
Trends in land use and land cover changes and socioeconomics
María Olga Viedma Sillero; N Koutsias; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; G Mallinis; F Xystrakis; B Duguy; P Martin; A Kavgaci; M Arianoutsou
Socioeconomics and fire relationship
P Martin; María Olga Viedma Sillero; I Gomez; Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; A Camia; L Vilar
Short-term post-fire vegetation responses to the legacies of past management.
Iván Torres Galán; A Kavgaci; Juan Quesada Rincon; Beatriz Pérez Ramos; María Olga Viedma Sillero; E Ortel; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Vegetation response to changes in fire regime.
M Arianoutsu; Beatriz Pérez Ramos; Juan Quesada Rincon; A Christopoulou; Iván Torres Galán; D Kazanis; María Olga Viedma Sillero; P Andriopoulos; Blanca Cespedes Gonzalez; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Assessing burned landscape features and their interactions with fire
N Koutsias; C Da Camara; F Xystrakis; P Martin; B Duguy; G Mallinis; T Curt; María Olga Viedma Sillero; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Vegetation response to changes in fire regime
M Arianoutsou; Beatriz Pérez Ramos; Juan Quesada Rincon; A Christopoulou; Iván Torres Galán; D Kazanis; María Olga Viedma Sillero; P Andriopoulos; Blanca Cespedes Gonzalez; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Disentangling confounding factors in the fire-climate relationships
José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; Je Keeley; J Bedia; Jm Gutiérrez; A Camia; J San Miguel- Ayanz
Vegetation and ecosystem responses to fire under drought
José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez; F Mouillot; Antonio Parra de la Torre; María Belén Hinojosa Centeno
Temporal variations and change in forest fire danger in Europe for 1960-2012
A Venäläinen; N Korhonen; N Koutsias; F Xystrakis; Teresa Itziar Rodríguez Urbieta; José Manuel Moreno Rodríguez
Presence of potentially pathogenic free-living amoebae strains from well water samples in Guinea-Bissau