Teaching Unit in Medicine at the University Hospitel Complex of Toledo

Training Itinerary


The studies of the Bachelor's Degree in Medicine began in the Faculty of Medicine of Albacete in the academic year 1998/1999. In the 2010/2011 academic year, coinciding with the transformation of undergraduate degrees to graduate degrees, these studies were extended at the Faculty of Medicine of Ciudad Real.

Since the implementation of the studies of Medicine at the UCLM, there has been the will to take advantage of the healthcare resources for the improvement of clinical teaching and to comply with the provisions of the Order SSI/81/2017 on the right to patient privacy. In this sense, the commissioning of the new University Hospital of Toledo, as the fundamental core of the Toledo Hospital Complex, has led to the creation of the "Teaching Unit of the Degree in Medicine" in that complex.

This strategy was implemented by the Vice-rectorate of Health Sciences in the academic year 2020/2021 with the choice of training itineraries that are developed in the first two years in the Faculties of Albacete and Ciudad Real and from the third year onwards in Toledo. Beyond being framed within the same study plan and verification report, the same teaching innovation guidelines continue to be applied (focused on self-learning, small groups and teaching phases structured in an integrated manner in modules of objectives that pivot on a Medical Education Unit) that have provided such good results to the degree of Medicine of the UCLM.


Vista aérea del CHUT


Avenida del Río Guadiana s/n

45007 Toledo (ESPAÑA)

Tfno.: 925 396 890