Virtual Tour
Faculty of Nursing of Albacete
Teaching Planning
Enfermería AB
The University is an institution to which the State entrusts the mission of providing higher education education and training people to practice the profession. It is the institution prepared to take on the challenge of scientific and technical development.
The University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) is the institution responsible for the public service of higher education within the scope of our Autonomous Community. It was created by Law 27/1982 of June 30, beginning its journey in 1985, after the publication of Royal Decrees 17/1985, of April 2, and 1,855/1985, of October 9. The Faculty of Nursing of Albacete is a Center of the University of Castilla-La Mancha in charge of the administrative management and organization of the teachings leading to obtaining the Graduate Degree in Nursing.
The basic objective of the Nursing degree is to train professionals capable of:
Benjamín Palencia Building
University Campus s/n - 02071 - Albacete
Telephone 967 599 370
Horario de atención al público:
Complaints and Suggestions Box:
The Faculty of Nursing of Albacete is located in the Benjamín Palencia multipurpose classroom, which is shared with the Faculty of Humanities.
The Benjamín Palencia Building is located on the University Campus of Albacete: the main access is at Paseo de los Estudiantes
Finaliza el
Facultad de Enfermería, 02006 Albacete, España
Evento Divulgativo
Concurso Fotografía
Feria de Albacete
Día Internacional del Orgullo LGTBIQ+
DIE. 9 y 10 de mayo de 2024
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Olimpiadas enfermeras intercampus
23 de mayo de 2024. De 16:30 a 19:00 horas
DIE. Convocatoria Premios TFG
BARRIO DE FRANCISCANOS. Del 5 al 12 de mayo de 2024