Ana Navarrete Tudela
Researcher, teacher and artist. Current director of the MIDECIANT of Cuenca. Professor of the Department of Art, Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca (UCLM). She is principal investigator of the I+D AEMA project and the INDEVOL group. She has held numerous national and international exhibitions. She has work in several collections and museums. She combines his artistic, teaching and research work, with the publication of books, articles... and the organization of cultural events.
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Montserrat de Pablo Moya
Full Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca of the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Member of the INDEVOL research group at UCLM. His artistic work has been exhibited in national and international individual and group exhibitions. He is currently carrying out his research project on the “camera obscura” at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin within the project The Long-term Evolution of Mechanical Knowledge.
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José Ramón Alcalá
Multimedia artist, curator and author. Head Professor of Art and New Media at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca of the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Co-director of the Ibero-American Observatory of Digital and Electronic Arts. Board Member of the Archive of Digital Arts of Austria. Creator and director of the International Museum of Electrography - Center for Innovation in Art and New Technologies (MIDECIANT) (1989 - 2018). Co-founder of the Spanish Media Art Archive (AEMA). Director of the international indexed magazine ASRI Arte y Sociedad (2018 - 2022). National Prize from Royal Chalcography (to MIDECIANT) "for the innovations contributed to graphic art" (1999). Among his most outstanding publications are: The Skin of the Image: Essays on Graphics in Digital Culture. (Valencia, 2011); Being Digital; Manual for converts to electronic culture (Santiago de Chile, 2011); Artists and Machines. Dialogues in the development of Digital Art (Valencia, 2022); The Happy Misfits; An autobiographical novel by Marcel Demeulenaere, a brillant Flemish inventor (Cuenca, 2023); Edith Weyde; How an inventor from the Rhineland changed the world. (Mülheim/Ruhr, 2018); How do you hang a Virtual painting? (Gijón, 2009); Monsters, ghosts and aliens. Poetics of representation in cybersociety (Madrid, 2004); or Ars & Machina. Artistic Electrography in the MIDE collection (Santander, 2004).
María Soria Gómez
María Bajo
JCCM predoctoral contract. Member of the INDEVOL group. Doctoral student in the EID Research Program in Humanities, Arts and Education at UCLM. Artist and researcher, part of the BajoRufián collective. Her practice focuses on thinking and experience around gender, sex and sexuality from a feminist and queer/cuir perspective, focusing her doctoral thesis on dissident masculinities. He has made numerous exhibitions, publications and national and international conferences on these issues.
Henry Lamiña
Predoctoral contract for research staff in training within the framework of the Own Plan I+D+i, co-financed by the FSE+. Member of the INDEVOL group. Doctoral student in the EID Research Program in Humanities, Arts and Education at UCLM. Artist and researcher whose practice focuses on exploring our condition as bodies affected by continuous flows of images, information, data and electronic devices. He has a degree in Plastic Arts from the Central University of Ecuador (Quito, 2017), and has a Master's Degree in Research in Artistic and Visual Practices from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain, 2019). He has participated in festivals, exhibitions and artistic residencies in different cities, showing his projects in diverse spaces.
Ricardo Cotanda
INDEVOL group researcher.
Isabel Perujo Álvarez
Collaboration scholarship holder and student of Fine Arts at the Faculty of Cuenca of the UCLM.
José Luis Cano Reverte
Collaboration scholarship holder and student of the Double Degree in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism at the Faculty of Cuenca of the UCLM.
Julia María Malsipica Mascaraque
Student at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca doing curricular internships at MIDECIANT.
Rutxi García Martín
MIDECIANT collaborator. Doctor Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education of Cuenca. Professor in the didactics area of plastic education and expert in art and video games.
Rubén Serna
MIDECIANT collaborator. Teacher in the area of Plastic and Visual Education at UCLM. Artist and researcher. Doctor in Research in Humanities, Arts and Education with Cum Laude mention unanimously. Her interdisciplinary practice encompasses video art, textile art, installations, and fanzines. With a focus on feminist and queer practices focused on ruralities and dissident identities, the subject of her doctoral thesis on the memories, post-memories and imaginaries of rural women in the south of Ciudad Real. He has participated in national and international exhibitions, such as the MIDECIANT Mail Art Calls, the Coño! Alicante festival, CSW Kronika (Poland). Also selected for the IAR video art exhibitions in Naples. He collaborates with the INDEVOL group at UCLM, and has also given presentations at multiple national and international conferences.
Marta Rufián
Collaborator of MIDECIANT and the INDEVOL group. Doctoral student in the EID Research Program in Humanities, Arts and Education at UCLM. Artist and researcher, part of the BajoRufián collective. Her practice focuses on thinking and experience around gender, sex and sexuality from a feminist and queer/cuir perspective, focusing her doctoral thesis on contrasexaffects. He has made numerous exhibitions, publications and national and international conferences on these issues.