EX6: E scap ES



February 21, 2020 - March 15, 2020


José Luis Sampedro Room. Galileo Cultural Center. Galileo Street, 39, Madrid

This is a Media Art exhibition curated by EX, an electronic and experimental art association, which exhibits pieces by national artists around the concept of electronic landscape. The exhibition hopes to be, as Nilo Casares suggests in his presentation text, “an occasion to reflect on the electronic landscape produced from Spain, understanding the electronic landscape as those new ways of seeing that are only possible with the concurrence of gadgets plugged into the electric current that changes the ways of doing but also determines the ways of seeing.”

It began with the exhibition of the collections of the Spanish Media Art Archive (AEMA), an initiative to which EX belongs, and which aims to locate, classify and promote all art and new media production developed in Spain from its origins to the present. The first exhibition began in February with the exhibition of the archive from the PEAM (Pescara Electronics Artists Meeting), whose net.art section was curated by Nilo Casares, and continued in June with an exhibition of the funds from the MIDECIANT collection, curated by José Ramón Alcalá.

Click here to see the video of the exhibition.