This collection began with the donation to the MIDECIANT funds made at the end of 2018 by the artists Cesar Reglero, Antonio S. Ibirico and Salvador Benincasa, constituted through their own works and private collections. Which was followed by the donation of Alfonso Aguado, Pere Sousa and José Emilio Antón.

Mail Art is included within the alternative movements of international activists and artists that emerged since the 60s of the last century, which includes multiple expressive media that are disseminated using postal media. Along with Copy Art, Performance and other conceptual art forms, it became one of the avant-garde arts during the second half of the 20th century. Likewise, the mail artists overflowed the contents of the envelope towards the intervention in the same envelope or stamp, what is called "artistamps" or "rubber stamps".

Always based on its character of free expression and non-commercialization, in Spain Mail Art had a great reception since the 70s, expanding during the 80s with the spread of the use of photocopying machines, being during the following decade when its popularity and participation experienced its greatest boom, with editorial projects among which we must highlight, since 1994, the publication of P.O.BOX, the first postal art fanzine in Spain by the Merz Mail factory in Barcelona, and the newsletter by Mail Art and visual poetry BOEK.

Due to its close relationship with visual poetry, MIDECIANT's Mail Art collection has recently also been extended to this form of experimental expression. This is a form of non-verbal poetry that maintains the image as the main element over the rest of the components. This collection is made up of works such as those by Julia Otxoa, Ferrán Fernández or Joaquín Gómez, among others.

The donated collection includes all types of Postal Art and Visual Poetry, in which we can find postcards and artist envelopes, artist stamps, collages, pad prints, copy art, digital art, objects, visual poetry, engravings, drawings, artist books, editions, fanzines, assembled magazines, audiovisual material and a large amount of documentation on artists of these movements, without forgetting dozens of self-published catalogs and information on national and international calls that have shaped and life, escaping from the official circuits during the last decades.