Ph.D. Studies

Would you like to do your Ph.D. with us?

Would you like to do your Ph.D. with us?

Do you want to continue your postdoctoral studies in renewables?

The IER has a large experience in direction of Ph.D. dissertations and postdoctoral studies, and also offers the possibility for research visits to complement your doctoral training.

We can assist you to get scholarships and grants for both doctoral and postdoctoral studies and stays. If you have already obtained one of these fellowships, our center offers ample opportunities in research and teacher training.

Type of studies

During your doctoral studies you could apply for national or international grants. Thanks to the research and educational experience of our principal investigators, we can aid you with the request of these scholarships. These grants could be, for example, the Marie Curie Fellowships, offered by the EU.

If you already have any fellowship, you could be interested in developing your research studies with us in any of the lines offered. Furthermore, thanks to the teaching activity of most of our researchers at the UCLM, if your scholarship allows it, you might begin with your teacher training.

If you want to continue your research activity, you may consider interesting complement your training with us in any of the researching lines developed in our center.

If you already have a grant or fellowship, the IER offers the possibility to do stays to supplement your formation. Otherwise, our principal investigators have a large curriculum as teachers and researchers, that facilitates the request of scholarships like 

¿You are interested in working with us?

 If you are interested in working with us, choose which line matches better with your interests, and contact with the person in charge of the section. For more information about the doctorate programs of the UCLM, visit the International Doctorate School


Wind Energy and Power Systems
Fuel cells
What does interest you?
Solar and energy efficiency