
Jun 2022


L'IAM/Dakar. Hall du Center d’innovation du GROUPE IAM Rue MZ 83


María Luisa Ángulo, Ana Navarrete and Juan Carlos Robles

Click here to access the exhibition publication.


Territoires / identités is an exhibition proposal resulting from the collaboration between. TRI4AS CULTURE, based in Dakar, MIDE-CIANT, International Museum of Electrography-Center for Innovation in Art and New Technologies of the University of Castilla-La Mancha based in Cuenca and the University of Málaga. Curated by María Luisa Angulo (TRIAS CULTURE), Ana Navarrete (MIDE-CIANT) and Juan Carlos Robles (University of Málaga).

This exhibition presents the work of 25 artists who address these questions from different points of view. From different positions, but always starting from the consideration of territory as a representation: territory as a network of social relations, territory as a builder of identity, territory as a physical-political space, territory as a border, as a limit, territory and its construction of the body, of the subject, of alterity, of globalization, of the postcolonial and decolonial processes. We have made a selection of video works that will be projected in single-channel mode, accompanied by some small format photographic works. We believe that these are the most agile disciplines when it comes to turning an exhibition into a meeting forum.