This exhibition under the title Bruno Heller, the master of collage / Bruno Heller, der Meister der Collage presents 29 works by this author dated between the years 1979 - 1998.
Bruno Heller grew up in Zurich and trained as a teacher in Florence, Paris and Barcelona. Between 1953 and 1960 he lived and worked in the artists' colony on Wuhrstrasse in Zurich. In 1960 he moved to Wädenswil and continued perfecting the collage technique, which in the 70s would lead to the most radical experimentation with the use of the photocopier.
Collage could, thanks to the photocopier, provide new and surprising compositions. Heller introduced all types of materials into the photocopier: acetates, plastic bags, aluminum foil, labels, containers, fragments of newspapers, illustrations... At the same time, he interacted with the photocopier by lifting the lid, moving the objects during reproduction... obtaining random results and unpredictable graphic effects.