Dec 17, 2021 – May 29, 2022
CCCC Centre del Carme. Room 1 and 2, València
Nilo Casares and José Ramón Alcalá
Click here to access the exhibition catalogue.
This exhibition exalts the relationships between the artist and the modern reproduction machine (that automatic and instantaneous technological instrument marketed since the 1960s), making the historical creations selected by the curators dialogue with each other, in a juxtaposed manner. Its static and dynamic images, analog and digital, physical and virtual, confront each other in the same exhibition space, revealing the intrinsic characteristics of each one and evidencing the contaminations and influences that all had on each other.
The exhibition proposal attempts to introduce the visitor to the first moment in which artists relied on the three large families of automatic generation and reproduction machines - photocopiers, portable video cameras and personal graphic computers -, activating with their creations the programs of the artistic avant-garde, whose main mission was to question traditional paradigms and give concrete form to new ideas, activated throughout the 20th century by philosophers, writers, artists, scientists and thinkers in general.