The Collections and Archives of Contemporary Art (CAAC) of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca emerged at the end of 2012 with the aim of bringing together under said brand the set of centers, museums, collections and archives that different professors-researchers belonging to this center have been building since its creation in 1986, until after all these years they managed to compile heritage resources that have as a common framework the artistic practices developed by the alternative avant-garde that emerged throughout the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st.

The CAAC of Cuenca currently includes the International Museum of Electrography-Center for Innovation in Art and New Technologies (MIDECIANT), the Center for Experimental Creation (CDCE) and its Sound Art Archive, the Performing Arts Archives (ARTEA), the Parkett Collection of Multiple Art, the Juana Mordó Contemporary Engraving Collection, and the Graphic and Multiple Art Collection of the Faculty of Fine Arts from Cuenca. The CAAC of Cuenca also manages the film archives belonging to the Pedro Almodóvar Center of the UCLM and the historical sound art archives of the Electroacoustic Music Laboratory of the Provincial Council of Cuenca.


Its implementation meets the objective of giving greater visibility, dissemination and accessibility to all these collections and heritage resources, of great international importance and prestige, to put them at the service of research in contemporary art. Its heritage collections constitute one of the most important collections in the world, due to its rarity, variety and specialization, covering works, pieces and art documents, ranging from the late sixties to the present.

→ If you want to know more about the CAAC, click here to access the publication Collections and Archives of Contemporary Art of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca.